Friday, January 28, 2005

The Shadow Knows

Common theme just realized between all the reading I did today--the shadow side of spiritual endeavor.

Reading Vows of Silence on The Catholic Church and the WhatEnlightenment blog on Andrew. When attention-energy are being pulled up there are bound to be some spots untransformed. Temporarily lose the journey upward, reinhbit with compassion those lower drives, agendas, and intergrate. Embrace the shadow. Neither institution-community seems able to do this. The lost members, are the shadow (Andrew even refers to his as a shadow sangha)--hold intelligence and creativity amidst the immaturity, self-servingness, etc.

Was really stuck in Vows by the rite of the healing by the Native Americans (First Peoples) in Canada. They want the offended party to reconcile with the abuser in person, face to face in the circle. Our "justice" system doesn't do that--even when it is right in its proceedings and does in fact help the powerless. Victim not becoming survivor, not becoming thriver, aide to others hurt. Stuck at victim. Remids me a little of something called restorative justice that I researched a bit when working at the jail.

Not to sound too intellectual, but would really help if people had a better view of humans, of development, of maldevelopment. Would we be so surprised, let down, shocked, hurt, taken advantage of if we knew better-or would our emotions still follow the same patterns of idealization and rejection?

Went to a birthday party tonight. Still sad for me to see such gross level seeking, such gross egotism. And not even in some condescending fashion; more how sad it is to see such beautiful creatures reduce themselves so frightfully. Who are so obviously scared and confused and lost, parading around talking loudly, incessantly. But even the ones not held in by the gross seeking. Wiser, kinder for sure. Still limits, and stil real "wrong" in many ways to try to open those horizons. There is really nothing for me to say, nothing to do in those situations. That is why I don't like, never have, why I don't stay long. Why I just want to show my love for whoever is there nnd depar. At least to go dancing is to go dancing and not put on airs. Much love nonetheless, not my birthday--just care for them.

From Da: Sat Chit Ananda
Self, Mind-Light, Energy
Transcendental, Source Matrix, Descending/Ascending Current
6th, 5th, 4th or Sages, Saint, Yogis respectively.
ego stepped down version of Self
desire, motion=" " ENERGY


At 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I''ll be back. Later :)


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