Thursday, January 06, 2005


Bodily Location of Happiness-A Summary

1. Locate where I am happy (always already)
--in the midst of psychological, physical, emtional turmoil or ecstasy
2. Practice that happiness
a. Relax from crown to tailbone
b. Extend from heart out to infinity
3. Practice Happiness Through:
--Meditation: Conscious Process: "Avoiding Relationship?"
--Conducitivity of Love-Bliss (Happiness Current)
--Physical Exercise
--Non-degenerative sex
--Intellectual Study
4. 4 Capacities
Breath, Body, Emotion, Mind
--Devote all attention (in all 4) to Divine Satsang
--Perfect Practice=Transcending Attention in Divine Satsang
5. Two Things Only
*Locate Happiness
** Understand the Contraction, the Method of Unhappiness


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