Monday, August 01, 2005

Major Tom to GROUNDLESS GROUND Control

These words are nothing,
Echoes of echoes.

Like when a Christian asked a Buddhist about nirvana. The Buddhist said it was emptiness, nothingness, cessation, the candle going out. The Christian asked, what it was like, The Buddhist smiled and said "Amazing."

There is No Witness. No more (localized) Bodily Location of Happiness. No more states. These are now all gone. I work now to untangle, to live. Enough searching.

The Wall of Consciousness in the back of my Head--from whence he came and to whence has he gone. No understanding. But go he did.

Its like Willy Wonka and Charlie [Gene Wilder Version]. Charlie comes to Willy to gain something. He follows him around. He's at times funny, disturbed, eccentric, bored. But Charlie goes ahead drinking in the ups and downs. He makes a slight booboo, drinking the Lifting Fizz, but no biggie really. He comes to the end of Tour, thinking there is a nice reward.

When Wonka tells him, "You get nothing." You GET NOTHING.

And here is Charlie's genius. No righteous anger like Uncle Joe. He simply gives up the Ever-Lasting Gobbstobber, abides by the wishes of the Master, AND/BUT stills is grateful for the trip nonetheless.

That is the miracle. When he has given away the gobbestobber, the only thing he got from the experience, he was given all. Became Lord of the Chocolate Factory.

This AWARENESS is Wonka. Give It the Ever-Lasting Gobbestobber of your Ego, your thought of enlightenment, surrender the only thing you have ever gained--fame, sex, spiritual states, intellect, connections, money, artistic genius, physical prowess. Stop holding it. But do it with a smile.

Give up without quitting.

And all is YOURS.

There is no Ever-Lasting Gobbstopper except Samsara, which never existed anyway. It is all refuse, an Immortality Project of Magical Candy. The Chocolate Factory is already yours silly. Its Within your Mind-Heart. Your Wonka-nized SELF.

If you give away the piece, with a pure heart, Charlie, I will give you the Factory. You can be responsible for the Wise-Little OompaLoompas, the poor, lonely, broken ones of our world. I can then retire, and fade into non-existence from whence I came. I was never exactly suited for all this anyway.


At 9:40 PM, Blogger Paul S. said...

are you SURE?

At 6:44 AM, Blogger CJ Smith said...


Maybe I wasn't totally clear on the meaning of Nothing and YOURS.

You get nothing. As in nothing in particular. Meaning you get everything.

Including any and all of the following (sometimes simultaneously): moments of bliss and ecstasy, bodily pain, sickness, death, misery, humiliation, doubt, feelings of helplessness & Despair,

Plus, intense joy, peace, serenity, deep friendships (sometimes those then later betray you or you them).

Angst, confusion, light-heartedness.

You get a girlfriend who blows you away with the sweetest word, who is at moments the strongest, most radiant thing and then crumbles in your arms. Then, you are the greatest guy in the universe for days on end, until you make one little slip up (that all things considered wasn't even that big a deal) and she goes into a funk for 3 days, locked in her own self-absorption, while you stand around like a putz.

You get racism, famine, militarism. You get poor people who humble you with their generosity one moment and then in the next breath condemn all the so-called fags to hell.

That's what ALL is YOURS means. The little self of course could never drink all that in. That's why it seeks, that's why its seeking never ends.

It's isn't all Allright as it goes, just as it IS.

"It", which means very little anymore, as does I or you or us or words generally, is the most ordinary thing. Nothing mystical about any of this.

And all sorts of other bizzareness I can't think right now.

VOID. There is a whole lotta shit that they don't show you on the Hollywood version of the Candy Factory. This tour, as I've experienced it, fills up its time and space with a things greater and far worse than the cookie-cutter image.

I don't know. I can't explain this. All this garbeldee-gook about AWARENESS, NONDUALITY, and MAHA-ATMAN, is just nonsense really. I don't know what else to say.

I like Aurobdino saying: The Unknown is not Unknowable. But it's still Unknown even as "its" experienced.

Like a mute whose thought up the funniest joke in the world but can't share it with anyone and just keeps laughing internally. He wants everyone to get it, he just can't.


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