Thursday, July 07, 2005

Requiem for a Scream

Or 37. Or 300. Or half a million, what does it matter? Innocent blood spilled is innocent blood spilled. A person individually can still be innocent and yet always already be a part of (partially) dis-eased and oppressive social-political-cultural-economic systems. Such were the poor ones who died today in London.

When is the West going to face that the real enemy is al-Qaeda and their ideology? All of the West--U.S., The Brits, and the Continent. Bali, Casablanca, Yemen, Tanzania, Madrid, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, New York, and now London. What are the connections between these? Only that they can strike anywhere and plan to do so. Only that they are quite serious and we still refuse to connect the dots.

I have no idea what I can do. I want to help. To free this contracted energy-attention so that we may do what needs to be done. Neither conservatives or liberals. Neither exclusively unilateralist nor bilaterialist, no addiction to either soft or hard power.

It is the idea of jahillayah (the time of ignorance) and its use as justification for the killing of Muslims that is most disturbing in al-Qaeda. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt all denoucned the attacks for God's sake!!! All of those are more "nationalist" types. Home grown. Wanting to protect their own and stop say the occupation of the Palestinian Territories, the corruption of the Mubarak Regime, the slaughter of Shia Lebanese and so on.

My heart is bleeding, like the opened flesh on a subway. I fear for America's mettle, and worse for the Europeans. We could lose. This all could be undone.

Rest in peace lost ones. I know you hear me on the other side. Let your souls be at peace--at peace with all the unfinished-ness of your life, of not getting to say a proper goodbye, of having your life snuffed out unjustly, unmercifully before it's time. Be at peace, we are the ones called to labor on, your work is complete. Feel the peace now in my Heart and pass to the Love-Light. Drift into Heaven. All is well.


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